Monday, July 18, 2011

The War Raging Between The Spirit & Flesh

Being a Christian isn't easy..following Jesus is a dying to self daily....saying no to our flesh and yes to the Spirit's leading in our lives.  Before I came to Christ life was a mess and I was on my way to hell, but it seemed more simple.  I was dead in my sins and lived by my sinful nature.  It completely controlled me.  When I accepted Jesus at 26, his Holy Spirit came and took residence inside me..I can no longer sin like I used to..when I do, I grieve the Holy Spirit and He convicts me to go another way...His light doesn't mix with the darkness.

The thing is..that sinful nature or what is called the "flesh" will never be gone until we go to be with Jesus if we believe on Him.  And so there is a daily struggle and I want to please my heavenly Father but there is that pull from the flesh that tries to drag me away.  Our flesh has a hearty appetite that seeks to be satisfied in many different ways.  In the end though we will be hungry again..Jesus is the only One who can completely satisfy the longings deep within us. 

We need Him every day to walk out this Christian life.  We can't even be Christians without God's help.  He is the author and finisher of our salvation and everything in between.  He is waiting each day to give us more grace.  He wants to help us in our times of need.  Sometimes our flesh is so strong and we can't bear up from under it.  Maybe we don't even want to.  But that is when we need to fall on our knees to our heavenly Father and ask Him to give us the desire to not satisfy our flesh and to only please Him.  He will do that in us!  He is stronger and more powerful than our sin nature and if we run to Him, He will give us a way out.  As a Christian, I am no longer in bondage to my sin nature so I don't have to live anymore like I am!!!!!!!!!

He is so faithful.  He is our strongtower.  He keeps us from falling into a snare.  He gently guides us and warns us.  If only we will listen to his still, small voice...and not ignore him.

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