Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jesus Changed My Life..Again

My heart can hardly contain what God is doing in me.  My life changed during the trip to TN and as each day goes by I am making different decisions and responding to situations and people differently and feeling different!!!!!!!!!!!!  The difference is the Lord.  When we are obedient to His calling and step out of our comfort zones He meets us there and we are forever changed.  I keep asking long is this going to last..when are things going to revert back to what they were???  But the truth is..things are not going back!  I am in a new place with my relationship with Jesus and it's for keeps.  His Spirit is flowing through me in a new MIGHTY & CRAZY way and I don't ever want it to stop.  It's been so overwelming at times (lots of emotions and tears..unable to eat) but I know that God is enlarging my heart and this is going to be my "New Norm".  Praise be to God!!!!!!!!!!!! 

God is SO POWERFUL...........these bodies can hardly fathom or contain his greatness.  If we were to behold Him in all his POWER & MIGHT in these physical bodies, we would immediately DIE.  These bodies cannot handle Him in his complete radiance.  I can only imagine what it will like to have my glorified body and to walk and talk with Him.  O will be an amazing day.  The day I live for.  The day I hope for.   


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