Friday, June 3, 2011

Last Day of School!!!

Well this is it...the last day of school!!!  We have completed 180 days of teaching and our summer break officially BEGINS!!  WOO HOO!!!!!!!  We are going to miss Amanda, our "Mother's Helper" but the kids will see her again soon.  She will be coming to take care of them while Bob and I go to the homeschooling convention in Richmond next weekend. 

She has been one of God's greatest provisions to me this year.  He saw me as I struggled and tried to get school done with the kids on my own last year.  Bob mentioned several times that we needed to "get someone in here" to help but the question in my mind was always....who??  I didn't know anyone that would be available and so I just let the idea go.  I think the idea of getting someone to help bothered me too..after all..the other homeschool Moms seemed to be able to get by on their own!  Why couldn't I handle this?

I finally got to a breaking point before the Christmas break.  I was entertaining those thoughts of, "I can't do this anymore!" and I started looking for a way out.  I called a private school to see if I could get Antonis in mid-year after the break.  I reached out to HSLDA (the Homeschool Legal Defense Association) with a cry for help.  I sent an email saying that homeschooling wasn't working for me and what am I doing wrong? 

I was praying to God through this time and asking Him to let me know if I was going somewhere He didn't want me to be...sure enough.. a few hours after my email to HSLDA I received a call from Dianne Craft.  The Lord used here to speak truth to me and gently guide me back to where I needed to be- homeschooling ALL of my children!  She reminded me that my challenges with him were not just going to go away if I sent him away to school during the day.  All of his struggles would go with him and then he would come home in the afternoon with homework that we'd have to contend with late in the day.  Having him with me allows me to know exactly what's going on with him and help him one-one.  He also gets his work done before 4pm and we don't have to work late in the day when he'd rather be PLAYING OUTSIDE!!

Shortly after, we put the word out that we needed a helper and the Lord provided immediately!!  If only, I would trust Him more!!  I didn't know who would be able to help us, but He did.  He had it all planned out. 


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