Monday, June 6, 2011

I Have A Teenager!!

Antonis turned 13 years old yesterday and in one way it seems like I've known him my whole lifetime and in another way it seems like the time has gone so fast.  Bob watched the younger kids so that Antonis and I could spend the afternoon together.  It is fun going places alone just he and I! 

I can remember the time when he couldn't even sit still.  I would lose him under the pews in our old Lutheran church!  He is still a very active young man but he also has moments of sitting and we can go enjoy a meal at Outback like we did last night.  I treasured that time with him, riding in the car and listening to the Newsboys.  I hope we'll continue to have these dates together as the years go by...

We topped off the evening with watching the Passion of the Christ together.  I had never seen it or wanted to see it, but our church showing it recently, stirred something in my heart and I decided it was time.  What a powerful movie showing what Jesus endured to pay the price for our sins.  He went through all that pain and He was INNOCENT!  I also thought it was fascinating the way Satan was depicted and woven throughout the movie.  It was the work of the devil to kill Jesus on the cross but God used it for good to redeem us to Himself!  He knew before the foundations of the world that Jesus would be slain for our sins; to give us a way back to Him.  He knows EVERYTHING!!  Thank you Lord!

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