Sunday, February 19, 2012

God Cares About Our Furniture!

God moved in a mighty way early this weekend in an area of our lives that had been neglected for a long time..our family room.  The whole time we've been married we have been blessed to have the furniture in our family room that my Dad handed down to me when he moved to FL, 10 years ago.  This was a living room set that had been in my house growing up.  My Dad says they bought it when I was 6 years old.  So it had been around a while but was still in good condition.  Over the years I got sick of the coffee table and end tables though so out those went to the curb.  We've stuck with the couch but the thing was starting to look beat up.  We had bible study at our house a couple of weekends ago and a friend sat down and the arm rest fell off.  For the past several years we have been talking about wanting to get a new living room set but it's been difficult to find the time to shop with 5 kids.  I've gone out a couple times while Bob stayed home to hold down the fort, we've popped into stores together on "date night" and we even ventured out with the little ones in tow several times, but I just didn't see what I wanted.

Well lo and behold..on Friday afternoon our doorbell rang around 3pm.  A man with Furniture Direct had this massive truck filled with furniture that was available to purchase right from the truck.  He wanted to know if I wanted to come out and take a look. (Meanwhile I was on the phone with my brother and he was yelling for me not to do it..that it was all stolen goods!!  He worries about me because I don't watch TV :))  We actually found an entire living room set that we really liked and were able to buy it right from our driveway.  By 6pm...a whole new look!!  Now that is service!  No waiting for dragging my color swatch through showroom floors.  The living room is absolutely beautiful!  The Lord provided the means to purchase the furniture and He brought our furniture to our doorstep.  When the Lord moves, He moves!!  Bob even decided late on Thursday that he felt like taking the day off on Friday.  I would have never been able to make the purchase without him being here.  GOD IS GOOD!!! I'll add the pictures of our beautiful new room tomorrow!!  Anyone for coffee or bible study?

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