Friday, January 27, 2012

What A Month..but GOD IS IN CONTROL

Life comes at you so fast sometimes...I feel overwelmed..I am reflecting on all that has happened since the beginning of this year leading up to the events of this week.  My Mom has been admitted to a psychatric treatment facility and hopefully will be seeing a Dr. by this afternoon.  She started out in the hospital and was cleared medically and then transferred to the place that specializes in mental health.  I heard from her earlier and it is so heartbreaking..I will look forward to hearing from her once she is stabilized.  I know Jesus is with her and she is surrounded by His angels.  I am praying that His light will penetrate the darkness around her..that she will feel his presence in the midst of all of this.  I am praying that God has special people in that place that know Jesus and will share his love with her while she is there.  God has an awesome plan for her life that is unfolding...I pray for a deeper level of surrender to God for her, for me, for all of us!

In the midst of all of the turmoil, Jesus is on the throne.  He sees it all..knew it all before it even happened..he is right here comforting me and walking me through this.  I just have to keep emptying my burdens at his feet.  He is strong enough to get me through anything.  I am unmoved when I gaze on Him.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Please Pray for My Mom

We would really covet more of your prayers right now...please continue praying for Bob's sister Donna.  She has been transferred to a rehabiliation center (praise God for some progress) but has been difficult to deal with.  She got out of a wheel chair at the rehab center and ended up falling on her face and had to go back to the hospital, but is back at the rehabilitation center now.  Please pray for her brother Dave, his wife Vicki, and their mother, Nellie.

Please also pray for my Mom, Miriam, who is currently going through an episode with her manic depression.  She has been stable for 2-3 years now (without drugs..relying on the Holy Spirit) but has been going through some stress lately related to her Mom that is going to be 92 this year.  My grandmother has a bad back and might be having surgery again soon..we'll have to see.  My Mom is worried about her and is afraid of her dying.  She wants to be with her to help her but her Mom lives an hour away.  My Mom does best when she has a regular routine and not alot of stress in her life....I had thought that perhaps the Lord had healed her from this mental illness but from the current circumstances, He has not.  She turned to her Pastor for help because she has no one else to care for her in FL.  We are trying to get her medical help but she continues to believe that she is okay and just needs the help of her church.  There are times when God doesn't heal directly and He chooses to use doctors and medications to help us.  Please pray that she would be open to the help she needs!  Please pray for wisdom for Pastor Chris and pray for his family and the body of believers at Calvary Chapel Cape Coral.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Please Pray

We just got word the day before yesterday that Bob's younger sister Donna was in a car accident that could have easily taken her life.  She survived but is in critical condition..with a concussion (cranial bleeding), broken jaw and pelvis, and other injuries.  Her recovery is expected to be slow and she could be in the hospital for months, most likely needing physical rehabilitation.  She was speeding and her car flipped over 6 times..she wasn't wearing her seat belt and she was thrown out of the car.  We know it was the Lord's will to keep her alive.  He let her live so that she CAN LIVE!  Meaning He allowed her to live so that she can turn to Him and have eternal life.  Please pray for Bob's brother Dave who is bearing the burden of caring for the family since he lives closeby.

We are also grieving over the loss of a little boy named Luke who was going to be adopted by our friend's Kevin & Mandy from our church.  He lived in an orphanage in China and they were going to be traveling to China to get him within a couple of months.  He unexpectedly got sick over Christmas and passed away.  We had a yard sale at our church over the summer to raise funds towards his adoption.  It's so hard to understand why God took him now but God's ways our higher than our ways.  We will see him in heaven!  What an amazing reunion it will be.  They never got to meet him but loved him already as their own son.  They sent him presents for Christmas and he had pictures of their family and knew they were coming for him.  You can check out their blog at: They are also listed under my bloglist in the right column.  I went to the same high school as Kevin & Mandy and now many years later we are all worshipping at the same church.  I'm so sad that I won't get to meet Luke yet but praise God he has his glorified body and is with Jesus.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's the dawn of 2012 and I can't imagine what God has in store for this year.  Our adoption which we started last April is on hold for the time being so that we can focus on our oldest, Antonis.  Bob, Antonis and I have started family counseling together per the request of our adoption social worker.  It is tough being a blended family.  I don't know what the future holds..I hope we will be able to complete our adoption this year and have a new baby to love, but God's timing is BEST! 

God has been making some other big changes in Antonis's life as of lately..back in December he joined the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets.  He will go for drills one weekend a month.  He will attend boot camp and special trainings this summer.  His friend Jonathan from church is a Sea Cadet and he introduced Antonis to the program.  Antonis attended a trial weekend in December and really enjoyed it. 

The other big change is that God has taken Antonis out of our homeschool and placed him at the Lighthouse Academy of Fredericksburg!  This is a small, Montessori Christian school.  His first day is tomorrow.  He is excited.  I will be dropping him off each morning at 8:30am and picking him up at 3pm.  In the hours in between I will continue to school the 3 girls and care for Zachary.  This was a surprising change since I expected to be homeschooling him through high school.  I have always been open to whatever God's will is though and God clearly called him out at this time.